What’s Included:
Crockery, cutlery and cooking utensils.
Fire pit and one basket of wood.
Cool box and ice blocks. (shared fridge and freezer)
Saucepans, frying pan, mugs, glasses and wine glasses.
Picnic table.
Added extras including tea, coffee, sugar, olive oil, salt, pepper, citronella candles, marshmallows, tea towels, fairy liquid, fire lighters.
Drinking water.
Toilet rolls and hand wash.
Bedding for all beds. Please note - we don’t supply towels.
Blankets, solar and fairy lights.
What you need to bring with you:
Food and drink
Tin foil for cooking on the fire
Extra tea towels and cloths.
Warm and waterproof clothing, wellies, warm socks to keep your feet warm in the tent. Remember to be prepared for the Welsh weather!
Hot water bottle.
Picnic rug, outside blankets and camp chairs if you have room in the boot!
Beth sydd yma:
Llestri, offer bwyta ac offer coginio.
Tan tu allan a basgedaid o goed.
Bocs cadw bwyd yn oer.
Sosbenni, padell ffrio, cwpanau, gwydrau a gwydrau gwin.
Bwrdd picnic.
Bocs Croeso yn cynnwys te, coffi a siwgr, olew, halen a phupur, canhwyllau citronella, marshmallows, llieiniau sychu llestri, hylif golichi llestri a ‘firelighters’.
Dwr yfed.
Papur toiled a sebon.
Cynfasau ar gyfer pob gwely.
Blancedi, lanterni a goleuadau bach.
Beth ydych ei angen:
Bwyd a diod.
Ffoil ar gyfer coginio ar y tan.
LLieiniau sychu llestri ychwanegol a cadachau llestri.
Dillad cynnes a dillad glaw - byddwch yn barod am y tywydd Cymreig! Esgidiau glaw, sanau cynnes i’w gwisgo yn babell, a dillad cynnes ar gyfer eistedd o flaen y tan fin nos.
Poteli dwr poeth.
Blanced picnic, blanced tu allan a chadeiriau gwersylla os oes lle yn y car!